This September I ran a lovely 135 miles. Okay, not every mile was lovely. You can read my race report on the Maui Marathon from September 22nd and see that clearly. That race still holds a mix of feelings for me and even though I vowed to never run the Maui Marathon again, I will. I signed up the 26th for 2014. Who am I to argue with higher forces when a race entry of $26 is presented to me on a golden plate? Kaua'i? Well, you are waiting another year. I also reached out and got myself a coach for the week's leading up to the Honolulu Marathon. My goal to break a 4:20 marathon is still there burning deeply, tempting me, driving me, motivating me, inspiring me, and perhaps bugging me on certain days. I need to do this for me.
day, and a recovery week. Plus last September I only run 88 miles. And yes, I ran the Maui Marathon both years. It kicked my butt seriously hard in 2012. You can read about that
Now onto some fun numbers!
- 641: The running streak day 9/30/13 represents.
- 7: The sum of the digits of 9/30/13 went brought down to one digit. 9+3+1+3 = 16, 1+6 = 7. Lucky number 7. Cool! Does this really mean anything? Nope but it is fun! And it is an example of the number game I play often.
- 1,343: The number of miles I have run from 1/1/13-9/30/13
- 117: The number of miles I have to run in 2013 to surpass my 2012 miles. No problem!
- 2,811: The number of running streak miles I have run.
But seriously, what are my October goals?
- To follow the training plan my coach gives me to the best of my ability.
- To run hard when I should run hard and run easy when I should run easy.
- To not go crazy on the just a mile days.
- To find continued happiness and growth in non-related activities - crocheting, gardening, cooking.
- To be the foundation of a happy, loving home. (I kinda feel I should be in a pageant now dreaming of world peace...and yes, I would love that!)
Now let's go run! Oh wait, it is a just a mile day and I have work to do first.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for the opportunities presented to me at work.
Daily Affirmation: I have the confidence to stand up for what I believe and speak my mind.
Want an extra dose of Aloha Friday fun? Here you go!
This is John Bingham's quote: Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don't let worn-out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself.
Gotta love it!