September 2013 Re-Cap

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
October is TOMORROW. Can you believe it? Time is flying by. This year is flying by. I distinctly remember New Years Eve. 

I've been seeing a lot of monthly re-cap posts and thought this would be a fun way to reflect on the month. 

September started off amazing as Hubs and I attended my dream wedding

I started making my 30 Before 30 List. 

Our dog Sox seemed to get cuter by the day: 
Blue Nose Pitbull and Shar Pei Mix.

I got to spend a four day weekend at home in Connecticut and spend some time with my niece :

While home my mom also gifted me some designer bags, some scarves, and a Polo top. I love gifts from my mom's closet!

In hair adventures this month I wore a headwrap, blew my hair out for the first time, did a fancy bun faux hawk, and installed some Havana twists: 

How did September treat you?