SEO Mythbusting

Posted on the 30 January 2013 by T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

Product Description

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a traffic generation technique that involves making your site "more friendly" to Google, thus improving your results in their search engine. The face of SEOhas definitely changed over the years. At one point in time it was good enough to just sprinkle a few keywords throughout your content and then find your website appear on the first page of Google. However, today that it is much harder, now you have to compete with thousands of others looking to get that same top spot in Google or Bing and then you need to maintain that position after you get it. Plus add in the fact that Google is constantly changing their algorithms so it can be difficult enough to just stay up to date on all of these changes.

SEO Mythbusting

SEO Mythbusting is a complete guide on understanding SEO Myths and the correct methods to use with SEO. Some of the topics include:

  • Introduction to SEO
  • Duplicate Content
  • Content Importance
  • Backlink and Keyword Myths
  • SEO Terms and Resources
  • Keyword META TAGs
  • You have to submit your site to search engines
  • Search engine bots don't crawl images
  • No-follow links are useless
  • Don't link to other sites
  • Flash is bad for SEO
  • and many more SEO Tips & Terms

This is a complete, done for you guide that will provide you with more time to spend putting good SEO practices in place instead of worrying about not having them. The authors have taken the time and effort to provide detailed information regarding each SEO myth and what actions you should actually be taking.

No more worrying about not practicing good SEO techniques.

This is all done with an easy to follow and understand manner.

Get your SEO Mythbusting Myths resolved today and put your fears to rest!