Remote sensing is making its way into more and more applications and fields. Tools like the Sentinel Hub EO Browser with its custom scripting allow all people to browse, analyze and visualize satellite data in almost real-time.
Now is your chance to show off your geomatics skills, by handing in your custom script entry for the Sentinel Hub Custom Scripts Contest in one of the categories below. The authors of the best scripts will win attractive prizes, and the author of the overall best script will be invited to visit the European Space Research Institute, home of ESA's centre for Earth Observation, to discuss their script with experts in remote sensing.
- Agriculture and Forestry
- Marine environment
- Snow and Glaciers
- Disaster management and prevention (wildfires, floods, hurricanes, ...)
- Air quality and Urban planning
- Other scripts (all not fitting into one of the other categories)
How to create a script
If you need some help and instructions on how to get started with custom scripting for the EO Browser we suggest you read:
Attractive Prizes
For each of the categories:
- First prize: 1.000 EUR + 1-year Enterprise Sentinel Hub account
- Second prize: 300 EUR + 1-year Individual commercial Sentinel Hub account + some nice goodies
- Third prize: 1-year Individual commercial Sentinel Hub account
The best overall script will win a trip to the European Space Research Institute in Rome, travel and two nights in a hotel included, sponsored by ESA, the opportunity to talk with experts in relevant fields and to see the Phi Experience, opening up exciting insights into modern Earth observation.
For more details and to submit your entry see