Selfridges’ Yellow is My Preffered Kind of Yellow.

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

Ahhhh Christmas time, pretty much my favorite time of year which I have happily already thrown myself head first into. Yes, I did start watching “True Christmas” on tv a couple of weeks ago, you just can’t beat that Christmassy feeling and you certainly can’t beat London in the run up to Christmas. Word of warning though, avoid Oxford St on Christmas Eve and definitely on Boxing Day !! Wandering back through St Christopher’s Place on the way to Selfridges I couldn’t help but smile and feel all fuzzy and warm with the excitement of Christmas as all the lights and decorations were out. I didn’t have time to stop in anywhere and admire it further like we did last year // see post (very different hair!!) // but it was just enjoyable to amble through and stop to snap a few photos. A little lead up to what came next … Selfridges’ windows are always magical and beautiful to look at. As much as I could have stayed outside looking at those wondrous displays it was time to go inside and meet ma. We rushed up to the shoes and umm’d and ahh’d about a pair of boots for mommy which ...