Selfless. (Part 1)

By Jenrene

Its a sacred time.

I choose to fast at the beginning of the year and I am never disappointed. I always seem to benefit, because I seem to  gather direction and  diligently observe to listen of the blessings that are about to come for the year. What if we all took the time to do so?  To offer God the first part of the year and invite him into our hearts, minds and our flesh? Perhaps our intentions would be more pure, our hearts would be more sensitive to hear Him, and our relationships would be more real.

I wonder about fasting though, sometimes. It never sounds like a good idea until you  find benefit. In fact, the first two days are often the hardest and I want to give up so bad!  I love that I can hear the voice of God, in my solemn spirit during this time. It helps me to  know if I am on the right track.  I will share this with you…  I have not been very fond of what I am finding out about myself. But it’s OK.  It’s here in this space, where I am able to go forward and search diligently for my soul.

It’s  also here, in silence where some of my best work and creative ideas come to me. it;s here, where I gain peace and rest.

Wondering why I cannot find rest?

Well, possibly because my soul is often searching for ME.

One of the most wonderful things I have found about  searching for my soul, is that I find pictures to capture in my photography, like the one above. I tend to just notice more around me.  Some things I cannot believe I even miss! I miss so much when I am consumed with SELF. Amazing, I think, how your body can hear better, feel better and your senses tend to be heightened immensely during  a time of fasting. When you choose to not just think solely about yourself, but allow God to come and sup with you.

I believe this will often be a  silent treasure. I truly enjoy the newness of the year and even the cold, fresh air. But most of all, I love that God attends  His ear to me and desires to spend time with His child and offer her  a blessed nearness. Yes, God offers this  all the time, if we avail ourselves, but I tend to think the beginning of the year is actually much more sacred because it’s new.

Just sharing a few words I received from God this year, as I having been seeking Him for more order and consistency in every area of my life, and  wonderfully,  I have persisted and am gaining a strategy.

 Isaiah 43:10~ “Be still…”

Genesis 45:7 ~”God has sent me ahead of you to keep you and your families alive and to preserve many survivors.”

Isaiah 26:11 ~Isaiah 26:11  ”You hold your hand up high, God, but they don’t see it. Open their eyes to what you do, to see your zealous love for your people.” The Message Bible

 Stay with me, not finished with this post, yet…