Self-Transcendence 10 and 6 Day Races 2013 Update 145 Hours

By Abichal @Multidays

10 day race at 145 hours

The Self-Transcendence 10 and 6 day races 2013 scoreboard at the 145/49 hour point.

Phil McCarthy on 196 miles has opened up a sizeable lead over Alex Swenson on 161 miles. In his first multiday race, Cornishman Rasmivan Collinson is right on Alex Swenson’s shoulder in third place with 159 miles.

Dipali Cunningham leads the womens 6 day race with 174 miles, second place overall. In joint second place are Jayasalini Abramovich and Sylvie Boisvert on 136 miles.


Self-Transcendence 10 Day results available on the Sri Chinmoy Races website:

Sri Chinmoy 10 and 6 Day Race 2013 Photo Gallery

Utpal Marshall’s Perfection-Journey Daily stories and photos include these posts:

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