Secrets of an Organised Office

Posted on the 11 December 2014 by Ncrimaldi @MsCareerGirl

Whether you work from home or work in an office building, when it comes to office work, organisation really is the key as without it you can end up knee-deep in everything from confidential documents to important paperwork.

No matter what your profession it’s essential to stay on top of the game, so here’s how to ensure your working environment remains neat, tidy, functional and productive.

Think about storage

If you’re struggling to concentrate and organise your daily tasks, take a look around you. Is there too much out on the desk? Perhaps you’re surrounded by boxes, folders and files? Too much clutter can cause you to become agitated and unfocused, so try implementing a simple yet effective storage system. With everything from cabinets to shelves available at a great price you won’t be short of options and you can even check out the storage solutions offered by companies like Kelly’s Storage which allow you to do everything from managing documents online to storing them securely offsite.

Whatever option you go for, make sure you and your colleagues understand where everything is kept and introduce any changes to all staff members. Simple things such as labelling draws and plastic containers can also help so come up with a storage strategy and enjoy a more organised environment.

Get your filing system in check

As well as putting things in storage, it’s a great idea to get your filing system in check.  Many employees lose time searching for things on their desk or computer, so why not sort through old and new work and get everything in order? There are numerous ways you can get yourself organised from storing files away in alphabetical, numerical, or chronological order to dividing them into categories such as subject or client. Think carefully about what would work for you before neatly filing everything away.

Before you start, it’s worth noting that a draw should not be filled to more than 90 per cent of its capacity otherwise you’ll have a hard time pulling files out if they’ve all been crammed together. Moreover, you should consider using a colour coded system and including tabs within each file to ensure all information can be accessed quickly. It’s also wise to cross-reference information between files so you don’t have to spend all day flicking through documents to find what you need.

Have a good sort out

Getting rid of anything you don’t want or need is a great way to free up office space. Offices can quickly fill up with magazines, newspapers, promotional leaflets, business cards and other paperwork that might not be too useful, so sift through everything and decide what should stay and what should go. Be as brutal as possible but make sure you mark up anything essential or digitise important documents. What’s more, if you’re tripping over old equipment such as computers, laptops, printers or scanners, why not sell it at a car boot sale near you? One man’s junk is another man’s treasure and so long as it all still works you could clear up floor space while making a bob or two from your equipment.

Work in a structured way

One of the best ways to get more done in the day is to keep anything you use on a regular basis nearby, be it the telephone, stapler, scissors, laminator, shredder and such like. Having essential items positioned in any easily accessible place will save you from getting up and down and will help you stay as efficient as possible.
You could also think about using different parts of your office for specific tasks such as the desk for computer work, the lounging area for brainstorming/planning and the whiteboard for forecasting or group discussions. If you work in an open office with many people it’s worth remembering that a change of scenery can actually be beneficial to employees as it gives them a break from their computer screen. Lots of companies even encourage outdoor meetings (weather permitting) as fresh air can be good for the imagination.

There are many ways to make your office more organised, but these tips should certainly help you out.