If you would have asked me 20 years ago if I thought I would every voluntarily made brussels sprouts, I would have laughed. I ate a lot of vegetables but those little green cabbage looking things were not on my list. They were most definitely on the I will not eat that and would rather spend all night at the table with cold food…
I am no longer that girl who grows running from them, in fact, I kind of love them. Scott loves them and Clifford will do crazy tricks if you give him a whole sprout. Strange how your taste buds change isn’t it. This may be favorite Secret Recipe Club pick to date. And that is saying a lot. Vegan friendly, a pretty quick weeknight dinner and an excuse to break out my mandolin. Ahhh the joys of playing in the kitchen.
This month’s delicious recipe was courtesy of Evelyne, a blogger in Canada who has some seriously good taste. Hello flavors from around the world. Loved looking though all her recipes. But when I came across Maple Apple Brussels Sprout Salad I was sold.
Maple Apple Brussels Sprout Salad
Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Keywords: vegan
6029882Ingredients (Serves 4)
For the Salad
- 3 cups Brussels sprouts, shredded with a mandolin
- 1/2 red onion, finely diced
- 2 small green apples, julienned with skin
- Salt and pepper
For the Dressing
- 1/4 c orange juice
- 1/4 c olive oil
- 1/8 c apple cider vinegar
- 2 tbsp pure maple syrup
- 1/4 tsp nutmeg
- Salt and pepper
Shred the brussels sprouts with a mandolin into a large bowl.
Add the diced red onion and julienned apple
In a small bowl whisk together orange juice, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, maple syrup, pinch of nutmeg and salt/pepper.
Pour over salad and mix well. Top with salt/pepper to taste.
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