Plot summary: Madhubala Ray, a widow in her 30s lives with her mother-in-law Lalita. She finds it difficult to move away from her husband's death. Being a professor in a college, Madhubala finds consolation in her student Daksh, who is 4 years younger than her. As their affiar prospers, Madhu meets Agasthya, a good-looking businessman. What happens to Madhu and Daksh relationship? How did Madhu manage to come out her husband's thoughts were answered in the 280 pages of comical relief.
Published by: Fingerprint
Pages: 280 (Paperback)
Genre: Romance
Price: Rs. 169/- Buy now
Goosebumps review: A must read for romance and light read lovers. If you don't mind traditional barriers you will enjoy this read. A comical relief with perfect blend of fun and twists. Goosebumps may not be, but entertainment guaranteed
Secret Diary of Incurable Romantic book review:
Light hearted romance that entertains the readers are hard to come by. Inking such a book with a comical touch is a daunting one. But, Chitrangada Mukherjee's work has made it look so simple. The Chick-lit, Secret Diary of Incurable Romantic is a fine example of a light-hearted comical romance.
Right from page one, Secret Diary of Incurable Romantic is a fun ride. Madhu's description of each character and scene are a delight to read. One cannot stop laughing at the hilarious description of Madhu's encounters.
Chitrangada scored in sculpturing the characters. Apart from Madhu, Daksha, Agasthya and Lalitaji are fine carvings of real life portrayals. Above all, Pintu was the one character I enjoyed reading about.
The story is narrated from Madhu's perspective, through her personal diary. Though the story is funny and comical, it does have gripping twists and turns which keeps the readers at bay. The climax is an unexpected one. It might satisfy few and disappoint the remaining. The story of Madhu is a perfect example of a woman who lost her life in the chaos of events. The book does teach a valuable lesson for those who takes life for granted.
AS chick-lit lovers celebrate the book, few might find the story a bit unfit to the society, especially the traditional ones. If light-hearted romance is your genre, Secret Diary of an Incurable Romantic is a must read for you. Those who don't mind traditional barriers will enjoy the comical travel of Madhu.
Comical hits
- Comical narration
- Madhu's encountors
- Characterization
- Unexpected climax
- Unexpected climax
- Breaking the traditional barriers