School's Out!

By Vickilane

Thursday night was the last meeting (via Zoom) of my 15 week critique workshop. Eight stalwart women were there for the long haul, sharing their fine writing and their excellent suggestions. 

We had a wonderful array of talent and genres--YA sci-fi, Southern fiction, some really excellent short stories and fascinating memoirs, as well as novels in progress--all of which I hope someday to see in bookstores and, better yet, read in totality.

It's funny--though the class only met for two and a half hours once a week, and my editing rarely took more than half a day, with the end of the class, I got that last-day-of-school feeling that all students and teachers know.

And it's kinda exhilarating. I found myself attacking long-postponed projects (bringing order to my potting bench was one) along with pulling weeds and enjoying the sunshine on a beautiful, slightly chilly day.  Then a tad of fooling around with watercolors. School's out and the weekend stretches before me!