School Refuses to Serve Food That Keeps Student Healthy

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Before and after

Emil Elmqvist, 17 years old, didn’t just lose 66 lbs (30 kg) when he began eating an LCHF diet. He also lost his troublesome migraines, which is a common positive side effect of LCHF.

But when Emil – with a doctor’s note – asked for such school lunches in order to avoid migraines and maintain his weight, the answer was: no. The school physician apparently suggested that he take drugs for his migraines instead.

Dagbladet: School refuses Emil special diet (Google translated from Swedish)

The school nurse said she didn’t dare to take responsibility for what could happen if Emil were allowed to eat himself lean and healthy, without needing any medications. Because that sounds… dangerous.

What do you think?

Have you tried LCHF for migraines? What happened?


Minus 33 lbs on LCHF Without Hunger

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