Say Stop to Hemorrhoids and All That Goes with It: Pain, Bleeding, Itching and Swelling!

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

how my life and health
Say stop to hemorrhoids and all that goes with it: pain, bleeding, itching and swelling!

Natural medicine offers extremely effective methods against hemorrhoids and bleeding problems, pain and swelling they are the cause. Here are the best remedies and most useful tips to help you get rid of.

The Nutmeg
This method has proven hemorrhoids: prepare an ointment made of grated nutmeg mixed with oil or grease.

Bath hot seat
You must take a bath for 15 to 20 minutes three times a week at least to alleviate the sensation of swelling and tingling and clean the crevices of the anus and hemorrhoids. This method is also very beneficial in case of external hemorrhoids.

This technique should be applied after the stool. You have to put in a large bowl or tub filled with hot water to which you add Epsom salt, Himalayan or sea salt. Otherwise, you can buy a sitz bath in pharmacy, you can install directly on your toilet.

Garlic cloves
This method produces no burning, but numbness of the treated area. Grind a few garlic cloves before passing them to the blender with a little olive oil or coconut. Then put the mixture in the freezer, you will make suppositories for use when needed. Let’s be clear, it will be painful, but it’s effective.

Witch hazel
Many people attest to the effectiveness of this method: apply a little witch hazel on the affected part, using a cotton, a soft cloth or a swab of witch hazel. Must reapply three times a day, and once you’re relieved, you can reduce the number of application a day.

The aloe vera

Aloe vera is known for its powerful healing and soothing properties. Simply massage the affected area with aloe vera using cotton, a soft or just your fingers tissue. Repeat three times a day until you feel an improvement.

Ice cubes
The ice cubes can be used in two ways: either you press your external hemorrhoids to make them go, or you insert small ice cubes in your anus to reduce swelling.

Stool softeners
Stool softeners are really helpful: they prevent constipation, facilitating course defecation. If you suffer from swelling and bleeding, you should choose a mild emollient to prevent it is also a source of discomfort.

Foods rich in fiber
It is the oldest way to cure hemorrhoids. It is to consume fresh fruits and vegetables and raw, whole grains, and a significant amount of fibers that have an emollient effect. It is noteworthy that increased consumption of these foods should be done gradually to avoid the risk of diarrhea or irritation of the intestines.

Clean underwear
Remember that you must always put on clean underwear and change it frequently. If you have bleeding or leakage, other small incidents may occur, which is why you should always have on you spare underwear. It is also important that they are large to avoid sweating, and cotton to avoid itching.

Regular exercise
You must maintain some physical activity to improve your digestion and avoid the delays of intestinal movement. Rest assured, you will not have to run a marathon, a hike will be sufficient.

Frequently change clothes
Especially if like putting pants! You might need to change frequently, because there could be leaks blood, feces or mucus saliraient your clothes. If these tasks dry, they present the perfect conditions for the multiplication of seeds that will be easily transmitted to any person who has the misfortune to sit on the seat you just release.

Drink water
Aside from its important role of hydration in which the body needs water prevents hardening of feces, so drink enough water a day is essential. However, sodas and soft drinks are to eliminate their caffeine content, great source of dehydration. If you want to add a little flavor to your glass of water, you can dive a few pieces of fresh fruit, such as lemon or orange.

Say stop to hemorrhoids and all that goes with it: pain, bleeding, itching and swelling!