Say NO to Pimples with Clean & Clear Foaming Face Wash

By Shreoshe

Hello darlings, this post is dedicated to all those who have fought or are fighting the pimple monster every now and then. Puberty means imbalances in hormones and stress which leads to formation of ugly pimples. Pimples are tiny zits which is usually caused due to oil and dirt  trapped in skin pores. Isn’t it irritating to find a big red zit all of a sudden and that too on  when you have plans in the evening? Feels like the end of life? Well, it happens with most of us during puberty and it is very normal. But there must be a way to stop them. Well, the truth is you can stop pimples from appearing, they will pay you a visit every now and then but you can definitely reduce them.

Clean and clear has come up with their foaming face wash which is formulated especially for young girls, it cleanses the skin from within, removes all the dirt and oil from the face, making it clean. The face wash is formulated to act gently on the skin especially for teenagers who have very sensitive skin during their growing age.

The face wash is specially formulated to reduce the occurrence of pimples. It lather well creating a rich foam, a pea-sized amount works fine for the entire face, the face wash does not over-dry the skin but does remove all the oil effectively which I like.A 100 ml bottle comes for Rs 99 which I think is quite value for money. It comes in a transparent bottle with a yellowish tinge and a blue flip cap.

The packaging is sturdy and travel friendly, so you can also carry it in your bags. Wash your face twice daily with clean and clear foaming face wash to get naturally beautiful skin. Plus, it has mild fragrance which will refresh your mood. So girls, don’t worry about your pimples, eat healthy, have fun and fight pimples effectively with Clean and clear foaming face wash!

Have you tried clean and clear foaming face wash yet? share your experiences below………

*Press Sample*