Save Your Brain

By Blessed Self Healing @BlessedSource

Take Actions To Save Your Brain

When it comes to the health of our brains, neurosurgeons are wondering why the dangers of cell phone use on the brain is not recognized more. Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon and health practitioner, states, “Most neurological diseases do not become obvious until about 75 percent of brain cells in the affected area have died; the surviving 25 percent are extremely sick and cannot function normally, which is why treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) is so difficult.”

With experts telling us that cell phone use in close proximity to the brain could be damaging the brain, don’t you think we should be exercising caution here? If cell phones are harming brain cells, but we won’t realize it until most of our brain cells are damaged, why take that risk?

It is actually free radicals on the loose in our bodies that can contribute to neurological disease. Free radicals are molecules that don’t have paired electrons. The abundance of free radicals in the body slowly harms neurons, which in turn can contribute to neurodegenerative diseases. Due to this activity, our body experiences a decrease of glutathione, which is a key antioxidant that we need for optimal health.

Some experts assert that even microwaves can cause us harm, as they too increase free radicals, decrease glutathione, and increase lipid peroxidation. They also open the blood-brain barrier, which can cause more free radicals to be formed. In fact, University of Washington Scientist, Henry Lai, put together 23 studies proving that microwaves do in fact increase the creation of free radicals.

Our bodies are already on free radical overload, with the generation of such from stress, unhealthy foods, aluminum, mercury, fluoride, and more. In addition to this, experts state that free radical production can also increase from silver dental fillings, aspartame and MSG, and increased levels of serotonin from antidepressant medicines.

To combat the increase of free radicals in the body, there are certain things we can do. We can reduce our exposure to the potentially harmful substances and technologies and begin eating foods and vitamins that will help fight against free radicals.

Here is a list of things to stay away from as much as you can:

  • Microwaves
  • Stressful environments
  • Pesticides
  • Metals (mercury, aluminum, iron)
  • Fluoride
  • MSG and aspartame
  • Sugar
  • Soda from aluminum cans
  • Cell phones
  • Wireless devices

Here is a list of foods and vitamins that you can ingest to help you combat free radicals and ensure optimal health:

  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B-complex
  • Magnesium
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Omega-3’s