Save The Date

By Rasha M. @my_vitrina
Gallery Ward Dubai is thrilled to invite you to the opening preview of Linked Itineraries, Reminiscence, and Representation.This exhibition marks a significant meeting point in the regional exhibition movement, presenting works side to side by two widely celebrated and inspirational figures in the Arab World art: Adam Henein and Farouk Hosny.Two personal styles and languages, interlinked in the ways each translate visually personal inspiration. Linked Itineraries, Reminiscence, and Representation brings back Adam Henein and Farouk Hosny after their seminal exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum Farouk Hosny/Adam Henein: Contemporary Egyptian Artists and Heirs to an Ancient Tradition in 1999.
Date     : 11 March, 2015
Timings: 7PM - Onwards
Venue  : Gallery Ward, Dubai.
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