Sapien Women Facial Scrub

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc

Attention Beauty Lovers! I wanted to pop in and review a new face scrub that was recently sent to me. I love face scrubs especially ones that smell good. The Sapien Women Facial Scrub smells so good! It is also safe for those who are pregnant which is awesome! Do you have a favorite face scrub? Let me know in the comments below!

Sapien Women Facial Scrub:

Quick Bit About The Product: 

It’s important to us that facial products that are mild and won’t irritate sensitive skin – a common side effect of pregnancy.  Exfoliating will rid skin of dead skin cells and help promote collagen production, leaving skin brighter, softer and “glowing”.

Made with Amazonian Organic ingredients and 100% natural exfoliants from coconut bark and organic Buriti, which removes dead cells and impurities. It leaves skin silky, smooth, soft and hydrated. No ethyl alcohol, sulfates or silicone, and no plastic microbeads. Ideal for all skin types with a fresh coconut and mango scent.

Free from BHT, EDTA, Parabens, Sulfates, Phthalates and Synthetic Fragrance.

$16.99 (currently on sale for $8.50) / Available at Whole Foods, Sprouts and online via

My Thoughts:

I was so impressed with this scrub. If it is safe for pregnant women, then you know it is good to use! It smells so amazing and totally reminds me of Brasil. I kept wanting to put more on my face because I just loved how it smelled so much. Can Sapien PLEASE make a perfume in this scent? I would buy it ASAP! You all need to buy this just to smell it and it is just so perfect for summer. Now for the actual scrub review.

It is an amazing scrub. It definitely exfoliated my face and it wasn’t too harsh at all. I really felt like it removed my dead skin and left my face glowing. It has tiny scrub particles that really deep clean the face. I totally see why FABLife recommends this scrub. My skin was soft, bright, and glowing. I am a huge fan of this scrub and I HIGHLY recommend trying it. It didn’t irritate my sensitive skin at all! Sapien nailed it with this scrub!


Disclaimer: I was sent this product for review. These are my honest thoughts & opinions. I did not receive any compensation, just the product to try.