Sample Bar Glampack (April 2013)

By Balmainbeauty @BalmainBeauty
Hooray, it's time for another Glampack! I'm pleased to say that this box arrived in very good condition (unlike previous boxes).
The Theme of this month's box is ECO CHIC Firstly, I like that this is an eco box because I've never received an eco box before (in any of my previous UK beauty box subscription's - before I moved to NZ).
Secondly, four product's really stand out for me and I'm excited to try them first. Evolu Travel Tower (this product comes in four unscrewable pot's
You get
Relaxing Creme Cleanser Renewing Facial Exfoliator Anti-Aging Day Cream Anti-Aging Overnight Cream
The fullsize product is $65 (for a triple pack) and this one fullsize product.  You also receive a 20% discount e-coupon to shop at
Sorbet Shampoo Bars I've never tried a shampoo bar before so I hope this is something to persuade me to stop buying liquid shampoo and use better product's in my hair.
Sorbet Shampoo Bars are pH balanced and made from 100% biodegradable ingredients. They contain Natural Extracts and Oils such as Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil and Cocoa Butter. This product is Cruelty Free and you also receive a 15% off voucher for your first order at SalonSorbet's website. The cost of a 96g bar is $22.00.
Next up I've heard of but I've never tried Antipodes. The sample sachet is 5ml. I received the Avacado Pear Nourishing Night Cream.
It say's: Promotes Collagen Production and Regeneration of Healthy Cells. The Avacado Pear Night Cream is packed with superior restorative qualities of 100% pure Avacado Oil and Calendula Oil from Marigold petals. Active Manuka Honey in this wonder cream soothes and moistens your skin, while potent antioxidant Vinanza Grap helps neutralise free radial damage. Fullsize is 60ml $62.50 from AntipodesNature. The final thing I'm excited about is the Perfumies [a solid perfum stick]. I much prefer these to small vial's and this is again another fullsize product $10.95 (0.07oz). The scent of mine is Verbena Bamboom.
The last product is Pharo Microfibre Exfoliating Cloth and $10 discount voucher for  a Sugaring Treatment. This is a reusable microfibre exfoliating cloth for use all over the body.
You only receive the exfoliating cloth and not the Sugar Treatment.
I kind of feel that we received half of the treatment - why do we get the cloth without even a sample sachet of the sugar treatment? It seem's a bit silly to include one without  the other. I would've preferred a smaller cloth and a sachet or two of the sugar treatment to give me some idea of how this cloth and sugar product work together.
The exfoliating cloth is the least exciting thing (for me) in this month's pack!
The extra thing which isn't mentioned on the card, is a small Easter Egg. Easter has come and gone but I enjoy chocolate so I like they included a treat  (I haven't eaten it yet, but I'm sure it's yummy).
 I like this box a little bit more than the March glampack (video).
It's definitely much better than the February glampack (blog)
Which product(s) are you most excited to try?
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FTC All opinions, word's and photograph's are mine. I'm not being Sponsored, or paid to write this review. I have no association with Sample Bar, or any of the brand's in this box, other than a monthly Sample Bar Subscriber which I pay for with my own money.