
By Thebangtoddowenwaldorf @BangLiving

The plane ride was a bit more gruesome this time.  It wasn’t until the thirtieth hour that I hit a wall.  I sat in front of a fire exit when I left Atlanta and then my seat didn’t recline as much as the seat in front of me for the long haul out of Los Angeles to Auckland.  When I departed Melbourne I was in a smaller plane and the boarding process was via stairs on the outside of the plane bound for Hobart, Tasmania.  That is how you know your going to some place remote.  As if you hadn’t any other clue, boarding the plane via an outside stairwell is a strong indication.  The population in Hobart is 300,000 out of a total of 500,000 for all of the state of Tasmania.  To put that in perspective, I believe that the city of Orlando has roughly 6,000,000.  

I am staying with Lucy.  She has a spare room for a short time before her brother arrives in a month or two to join her at Uni (college).  I spent my first night (last-night) with her and her friends.  I was jet lagged but didn’t want to turn down an invitation.  Later that night I would fall asleep twice standing up and begin to lose motor functions in my left leg.  I knew my body was pleading for rest.  I pulled out a smart phone with a cracked screen that I had gotten from Jame in Darwin.  After a few character punches I found my location and slipped out the door and walked back to Lucy’s about a kilometer away and was asleep before my head hit the pillow.