Today is the Feast of St. Martha.
She is the patron saint of cooks and homemakers.
The story goes that Martha was busy preparing a meal for Jesus, one of many I might add. Her sister Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and hung on his every word. Martha thought Mary should help her in the kitchen, because there was a lot to do. Jesus explained to Martha that her primary duty was to listen to him and contemplate him.
This light cucumber salad is a southern favorite and is perfect for the Feast of St. Martha.
Since Jesus told Martha not to worry about things and to just listen to his word, today I will keep my meals simple. I will spend less time at the stove and more time in meditation.
Cucumber and Onion Salad
2 large white onions sliced
2 large cucumber sliced
salt and pepper
Arrange the cucumbers and the onions in a pretty pattern on a large plate. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve with vinegar.
Peace be with you,