Sacred Spaces.

By Jenrene

I have a thing for sacred spaces. One of the best sacred spaces was in Atlanta Georgia at the Martin Luther King museum. I swear I could close my eyes and feel as if I was in some of those places & experiencing some of the same atrocities.

I didn't tell anyone though. I just seized that moment and thought very deeply as I did. I breathed in, and I breathed out.. and I could feel as if I was very close to the experience. I give thanks in sacred spaces. I call them breath prayers. I breathe in..." thank you for the memories" ... and I breathe out... "I love you. "

I believe there is a time in our lives where we have the chance to re-experience. If only we would embrace that moment...

At least once.

Here are ten reasons I love sacred spaces:

  1. They make you feel all warm and cuddly, inside
  2. Wow, the smell in a sacred place make you feel as if you can conquer the world.
  3. Sacred spaces have depth and great meaning.
  4. There's always a story to be found in a sacred space.
  5. Sacred spaces have a way of helping you find what's meaningful too, once you have heard the story.

And here are a few of my sacred spaces:

Sacred Spaces.

5. Sacred places speak, if you listen hard enough and observe.

6. Sacred places have a song. Sometimes a quiet song, and other times, a song you can hear in your soul.

7. Sacred spaces can be interpreted.

8. In sacred spaces you find things you love.

9. You can walk around a sacred space and hear God's voice.

10 Sacred spaces shine light on what's really important.

Another place was my grandmother's porch, or her backyard. I used to love the smell of grandma's backyard. I am not sure, why. I just did.