Sabrient Risers – 7/22/2011

Posted on the 22 July 2011 by Phil's Stock World @philstockworld

Top 5 Risers

Stock Rating Analysis

ALTR STRONGBUY An increasingly attractive expected long term growth rate and a significantly higher projected valuation from just a few weeks ago make Altera a company to watch.

THC BUY The long term projected growth rate for Tenet is rising, and this is happenening at a time when historical earnings have already increased significantly.

HAL STRONGBUY Many analysts are expecting higher than previously expected long term growth from Halliburton, and its near-term earnings outlook is also improving.

WYNN BUY Wynn Resorts is one of the top candidates projected to achieve both higher than previously projected earnings in the short run and a higher earnings growth rate in the long run.

LNN BUY Lindsay Manufacturing is one of the top candidates projected to achieve both higher than previously projected earnings in the short run and a higher earnings growth rate in the long run.