Sabrient Risers – 3/13/2011

Posted on the 12 March 2011 by Phil's Stock World @philstockworld

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Top 5 Risers

Stock Rating Analysis

KRO STRONGBUY Kronos Worldwide has been gaining recognition from analysts as a good canditate for achieving higher than expected earnings along with higher overall projected valuation.

SFI BUY iStar is one of the top candidates projected to achieve both higher than previously projected earnings in the short run and a higher earnings growth rate in the long run.

SD STRONGBUY SandRidge Energy Inc has shown significant advances in achieving substantial earnings growth recently, and analysts also appear confident these higher earnings will continue to grow in the near future.

AMAT STRONGBUY Applied Materials has been gaining recognition from analysts as a good canditate for achieving higher than expected earnings along with higher overall projected valuation.

TRW STRONGBUY TRW has been gaining recognition from analysts as a good canditate for achieving higher than expected earnings along with higher overall projected valuation.