RYNLG01 - Life Experience is the Best Teacher with Chris Coleman

Posted on the 13 April 2014 by Stacie Walker Stacie @staciewalker

 "Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards." - Albert Einstein

Contributing Author: Stacie Walker

My guest today is Chris Coleman the co-founder of SavySwapChris and his co-founder were able to raise a 5 figure round of funding from investors.

Chris is a former journalism student at Howard University but decided to drop out of college after teaching himself how to code and founded a tech startup.

What to expect during this episode:

1.) Chris shares how learning outside formal education became the very thing that started his journey as a successful entrepreneur in the tech industry.

I know formal education is important but not everyone has to go this route. Sometimes real life experiences can be your best teacher.
2.) Chris is a real world problem solver. He sent venture capitalist emails on LinkedIn and pitched his ideas and they liked them and told him to do two things. The first thing was to find a co-founder and the second thing was move to California.

The rest is history!

3.) You are about to learn how this young entrepreneur with no prior connections raised funding by using YouTube!

Line up of Upcoming Guests  

Nick Kellet is the co-founder of List.ly. His company combines crowdsourcing, content curation & embeddable lists to drive high-level community engagement, live inside your blog posts.

Mandi Newman - Managing Director and heads the Convenience Store Division of American Franchise Concepts.

Chris Miles - the founder MoneyRipples and is a Financial expert who reveals Money Leaks and Money Myths. 

Joanne Victoria of JoanneVictoria.com who works with people to create a successful and peaceful business and personal life while having some fun along the way. 

Special Announcement - Book Series Collaboration Project 

I mentioned in the last episode about the launch of my book series campaign. The web page with all of the details should be ready soon.

Be sure to check the Book Project tab on the navigation bar and find out if you are interested in collaborating with me and a selected number of co-authors to earn your title as international best selling author.

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 What's Next? What Can You Do?

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Image Credit: Courtesy of SavySwap

About Stacie Walker:

Stacie Walker is an International Best Selling Author, Podcast Producer, Internet Business Strategist and Mentor. Stacie adores working with professional leaders and entrepreneurs in the small business, home business, and online business industries.  

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