Rocky Mountains: Banff National Park

By Maiyab @maiyab26

There’s nothing more I love than visiting the rocky mountains. I can never get bored of the mountains or the beautiful scenery all year round.

When I first moved to Alberta, Canada with my parents, I wasn’t really expecting much. Moving from Toronto, I seriously thought that Albertan cities were just small, cold cities rich with oil sands. I didn’t think too much of this place. However, this all changed when my parents took my brother and I to Banff National Park when we were younger. I immediately fell in love the minute we entered the highway surrounded by mountains! I loved seeing the waterfalls, hot springs, caves, crystal clear water and the many different animals seen on the highway.

Since then, I have always loved Banff and can never ever get bored of the rocky mountains. It has become my go-to place all year round!

Here are some of my favorite pictures from Banff – I hope you like them:

If you haven’t visited Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada, you should definitely do so! It is an amazing place to hiking, camping, skiing, touring, see wildlife and much more!

Xo! – S