Richard StallMan - A True Geek

Posted on the 09 January 2013 by Geekybrains @sreekanth_br
Some people wants to use new technology !
Some people wants to create new technology !!

Richard StallMan (RMS) is a person who belongs to the second category. He might not be a popular public figure as Steve Jobs but did an excellent job in the field of open source software.

Richard Stallman

Harvard  University and MIT are the two places where RMS learned about physics and coding. Later, In 1983 RMS announced the project to develop the GNU operating system as he was frustrated with the proprietary(non-free)software. In association with Linus Torvalds he released GNU/Linux operating system which is the most favorite OS after Windows.
RMS gives an more importance to freedom rather than its cost of any software. In his words...
To me Free Software is the freedom issue, and not the price, which is a side issue. You may get a free copy of software, or you may pay for it; either is okay. The important thing is that Free Software respects your freedom and the community

Now GNU/Linux is powering most of the world's fastest super computers (including NASA !)

When asked about GNU He gave a funny explanation by defining it as GNU=GNU not UNIX(later he said that it's nothing but a joke !)

GNU defination

Richard StallMan opposes many modern technologies which may surprise you ! 
  • RMS don't use a mobile phone as it can be easily hack-able to know about him
  • He doesn't have a Facebook account as he is a freedom lover (that means privacy too!)
  •  RMS hates all Apple products(not the eatable!) 
  • He suggests everyone not to use Skype and Amazon as they track users data.
RMS owns a  personnel website which tells about his simplicity. 

If you are using some free software based on GPL(GNU Public License), that must be because of Stallman's fight against proprietary software.

Let the Free and Open source software spread this world. Thanks to Richard Stallman for making our life simple.