Revlon Lash Potion

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
It's no secret that I absolutely loved (and still love) the mascaras from the Natural Collection for leaving my lashes looking long and volumised at the bargain price of just £1.99, although I got to the stage where I just needed something new in my life. Enter the new Revlon Lash Potion mascara which I picked up while Boots & Superdrug were running their 2 for £10 Revlon deal a few weeks ago. I hadn't heard very much about this mascara as it was still pretty new to the market but I have to say I'm so glad that I picked it up!

The first thing that caught my eye about this product was the packaging. I mean c'mon, how magical and pretty does that tube look? Although appearance doesn't make much difference to a tube of mascara, it always feels that bit nicer to pull this one out of my makeup bag. The wand is quite big but not big enough that you need to worry about poking out your eyes or getting mascara on your nose, and its size means that you can really coat the lashes with product without any difficulty. So.. does it work?

The answer is YES. It might not look like it but to me my lashes have been given a new lease of life. My natural lashes are normally very fine and quite short too, so I really need a good mascara to make them appear more noticeable. I decided to go for the mascara in the color 001 Blackest Black in order to make my lashes appear even darker, and what I love about the formula is that it is thick but doesn't clump on the lashes. I've found that so many other volumising mascara formulas on the thicker side can clump the lashes together and spider lashes are never a good look in my eyes, but there's no need to worry with Lash Potion.
The mascara is intended to improve both the length and volume of your lashes and I can happily report back that it has done so for me. My lashes are looking so much longer and thicker now and what's even nicer is that the lashes are still left looking very natural after 1 or 2 coats of mascara. Of course you could build this up to a much more dramatic look but for everyday use I couldn't recommend this mascara enough! I haven't found it to flake or smudge under my eyes, and this is even after a full day's work which really is great. 
You can find Revlon Lash Potion in Boots & Superdrug for £9.99, although Superdrug currently has it on offer for £7.99!