Revlon Just Bitten LipStains Review

By Philamazan @philamazan
 I won these Lipstains from Revlon last month.Actually its 5 lipstains but they sent me 2 Crush Beguin.If it was some other shades like Sweetheart or Lovesick i wouldn't mind having 2 but crush isn't really my kinda color.So if anyone wants to do a little make up swap with me then do email me :)
 Once again i've been bitten by the Revlon bug.And while i'm still  recovering from Revlon Lip Butter hangoverthis is one lipstain i've been wearing everyday esp. Romatic romantique.
I won't go much into details about the product because it's everywhere in the Blogosphere.So i'll keep it short and simple.

 DARLING CHERIE-This is a very lovely Lavender shade .Not the usual shade i would go for but i don't have a single lippy in this color.So yay!!I feel like this shade is a little picky when it comes to pairing it with other make up so i like to keep it simple and wear just a simple kohl lined eyes and Darling cherie . HONEY DOUCE-Honey douce swatched on arm looks nude brown .But on my lips it shows up as warm pink.This shade is my MLBB. ROMANTIC ROMANTIQUE-I love Reds and my lips love red .Or maybe Red loves me :pThis is my fav among all the other shades.It is a warm brick red color.The pigmentation is easy to build up.But they look prettiest when worn as stains.CRUSH BEGUIN-This is not the shade i would normally pick .It is a deep wild berry shade.Looks a little on the vampy side.i'm not really sure how much i'll be using this.But its nice to have something different in my vanity case.
PROS-1.Wide range of colors to choose from.2.Very moisturising.Keeps the lips moisturised for 5-6 hours.3. Staying power is almost whole day .And at the end of the day you need to remove it with a make up remover.4.Has a fresh peppermint smell.(i love it but i'm not sure if some other people would)5.Pigmentation is good .And it is buildable.
CONS-1.Expensive (Rs600)I think that's the only con i can think of lol.
You can also read about the REVLON LIP BUTTER REVIEW