Review: The Dolly Eye Gothic 3Tones Turquise Circle Lenses

By Herugliness
Hello! ~ Some of you have already asked about these lenses a long time ago when I wore them in some other review, so it is about time I write a review of them, the The Dolly Eye Gothic 3Tones Turquise Circle Lenses
I bought these under this name, "The Dolly Eye" lenses, and, since I never heard of such an manufacturer before, just assumed it must be some unknown, probably Chinese, manufacturer. When they arrived I looked up the URL printed on the bottle only to discover that The Dolly Eye is no circle lens manufacturer at all, but just a circle lens store that apparently buys circle lenses and then re-labels them. I had already written how some companies (not just with circle lenses) do this to make it appear as if they were selling a product that can only be  bought exclusively from them. So, this leaves me with circle lenses where I do not know who the manufacturer is. I tried to make a research and the only similar lenses that came up were from a Gothic 3Tones line by EOS, which also has exactly the same color names as the ones sold by The Dolly Eye, but I do not really know whether these are the same lenses, as it is hard to tell from just product pictures alone because they sometimes look very different from what the lenses really look.

Type: Soft Contact Lens

Diameter: 14.5mm 

Water Content: 38%

Base Curve: 8.6mm

Manufacturer: ???

Disposable: 1 year (as always, I don't suggest to wear them for longer than max. 3 months)

Design: The design of these lenses is just amazing, especially if you have light eyes. I have natural green eyes which are light brown around the iris, so circle lenses always tend to look very unnatural because of how abruptly the color changes in the middle where the lens is clear and shows my natural eye color. However, because the Gothic 3Tones circle lenses are very see-through and because they have these gradient yellow part in the middle, the blend onto my eyes so well. The color is a bit too bright to pass as natural, but if it was for the design alone, these could easily pass as your natural eyes. There isn't anything weird going on in these, just a pattern that looks very much like the natural pattern of an iris.
Color: The color of these is amazing! I don't think I have to add much to this, as you can see the color pretty well on the photos. The photos at the bottom of this review were taken in natural lighting conditions and represent how the color of these lenses really look the best. All other wearing photos were made under artificial lighting conditions.

Enlargement: Even though these are 14.5mm lenses, so lenses that are supposed to be bigger than your iris, I don't really notice much of an enlargement effect. Of course my eyes are more noticeable because of the color, but not really bigger. I think these are also my first circle lenses that actually don't have any proper "circle" aka limbal ring around them and the dark circle is supposed to do a lot for the enlargement effect. For my personal taste the enlargement of these is a bit too small.Comfort: Here it comes - The comfort of these is horrible. In fact so horrible that I only wore them once expect for occasions where I put them on to take some photos for my blog. I cannot bear them and the one time where I actually wore them was sheer torture and I only held through for about 3 hours. This actually makes me think that they really could be EOS lenses, because, as far as I remember, I also thought the EOS lenses I tried once were pretty bad comfort-wise. 
I have very very sensitive eyes and don't get along with many contact lenses, so you might still give them a try if you don't tend to react sensitive contact lenses, but if you have sensitive eyes like me, just stay away from them! As beautiful as they are, the fact that they are downright painfull to wear makes them useless.
I wish I knew who the manufacturer of these circle lenses really is, so I could stay away from the products in the future.

Comfort: Design: ♥♥♥♥ Color: Enlargement: ♥♥