REVIEW | Thank God It's Natural Wild Lemongrass Soap, Peppermint Lip Balm and African Shea Butter

By Rockitnapptural @Rockitnapptural
The Thank God I'm Natural (TGIN) brand became popular when founder Chris-Tia E. Donaldson released the "natural hair bible" for transitioners and naturals alike; Thank God I'm Natural: The Ultimate Guide to Caring for and Maintaining Natural Hair. Good news! TGIN is expanding and now offers yummy bath, body and products! TGIN gave several bloggers an opportunity to sample a few products from the new line and of course I jumped at the opportunity!  I must say, I was impressed and really liked the products that I've tried thus far.

Peppermint Lip Balm
Contains no preservatives, animal products, petroleum products, parabens or lauryl sulfate.
Organic African Shea Butter
Ingredients: 100% Shea Butter
sample pack$7
Overall Rating: