I’ve sometimes been likened to a minion – short, round, yellow and oddly optimistic to the point of insanity. Ah well, I suppose there could be worse comparisons. Anyhoo, I pretty much had a minion-like moment of excitement when I found out that there was gonna be a Missha x Minions edition of products – must.buy. alllll. But damn, cos I’m not physically in Korea, I’d had to rely on helpful friends to help me grab whatever was left on the shelves.

Missha x Minions Cushion Lip Crayon

I say…
The Packaging: A standard long crayon measuring around 12cm in length (cap inclusive).
The Scent: A fruity scent for both. Me likey!
The Texture: The yellow Stuart version serves more as a tinted lip balm, while the red Carl version is a lip crayon. Both glide on relatively easily, but I do note that the Stuart version is more hydrating and moisturising. Red Carl doesn’t quite sit nicely on my dry lips, and seems to draw focus on the fine lines and flakey bits. Meh.
The Verdict: They’re generally easy to use, but for this, I’d say to either use the yellow Stuart version, which helps to hydrate and moisturise the lips. Otherwise, go for a deeper rich red version (which I didn’t manage to get), cos brighter colours might draw unwanted attention to dry lips. Plus, I’m a bit curious about why there’s a word “cushion” in the product name – there are no signs of any cushions anywhere at all. hmmm.