Review / Swatches: Etude House Berry Delicious Cream Blushers – All 3 Shades

By Beautifulbuns

And we are starting the new year on a berry good note – this new range from Etude House is adorably fun and sweet, and has a whole range of products for us to play with (and at its usual affordable price as well!). If you’ve been following my Instagram, you’ll notice that the range has so many products, so I’m gonna start with the blushers :D

Etude House Berry Delicious Cream Blusher – $15.90 each

  • Shade #1: A coral-red that has rather strong pigments – you gotta be a bit careful when applying this or you might end up with splotchy red cheeks.
  • Shade #2: A sweet pink that’s more sheer than #1 – it’s buildable and blendable.
  • Shade #3: A lightweight and super sheer peach color that’s the most natural of the lot.

Shade #1: Coral-red – the strongest color of the trio. Note that I also applied the same color onto my lips.

Shade #2: A sweet pink

Shade #3: A very light and sheer peach

I say…

The Packaging: A compact little casing measuring about 6cm across and 2cm tall. It’s a click-open case that comes with a sponge puff (no mirror).

The Scent: A very delectable berry scent. I LOVES.

The Texture: Now the name says “cream”, but I daresay it’s a stretch. Its creaminess is barely noticeable – it’s more like a rather moist powder blusher. The slightly moist texture makes it easy to blend on the skin, and sets into a powdery velvety finish.

The Verdict: In general, this range of blushers has pretty long-staying power, and doesn’t oxidise. The color pigments differ though – shade #1 has really strong pigments and can be a little hard to blend/control for makeup amateurs. Shade #2 is the average pigmentation strength, and requires just some minor blending. Shade #3 is the sheerest and lightest of the three, and you can go heavy on application without worrying about caking or too-red cheeks. The texture itself is alright – it says cream but it’s more of a powder, so I applied mine with a powder blush instead of using the sponge (which can result in more blusher being picked and hence, a tougher blending time for you). It’s handy enough to carry around for touch-ups, although you probably wouldn’t need to do so for Shade #1 (unless you’re using it as a lippie). Shades #2 and #3 aren’t that suitable for lippies though, cos they’re slightly too sheer and won’t be able to cover up your natural lip color.  In particular, Shade #3 will make you look ill if you use it as a lippie; when used as a blusher, you get a very natural peach flush. Overall, a pretty alright blusher to have – it works well, smells great and lasts long. Did I mention that it comes in an adorable berry casing?

Available March 2016 at all Etude House outlets islandwide