Review: Skin79 Chiffon BB Mousse

By Herugliness
Hello! ~Even though I never really liked any Skin79 BB Cream so far, when I saw that they released a BB Mouse I just had to try it. So this is my review of the Skin79 Chiffon BB Mousse. It comes in a metallic tin can with doodle like flowers on it. I have seen other bloggers praise the packing, but I have to admit that I find it utterly ugly. It's probably supposed to look playful and youthful, but it just looks cheap and tacky to me. It contains 50g, but in comparison to other BB Creams feels rather light.What Skin79 says about this product:
The Skin79 Chiffon BB Mousse is a lightweight mouse type BB cream that offers a fresh pore free finish. Its soft adhesion and micro creamy foam texture naturally covers up blemishes, imperfections, and evens out skin tone. Glacial Water and Coral Water cools and calms down skin that has been damaged or irritated by harmful environmental factors. Mistletoe extract and Swiss Alpine Herb maintains the water balance to create healthy and moist skin.
Directions: Take an appropriate amount and apply a small dab to your cheeks, forehead, and chin. With the tips of your fingers spread BB cream evenly throughout your face. To avoid BB cream from caking, let sit for 5 minutes before building BB cream up for more coverage, and before apply any loose powders to set it with.
It says to use your fingers to spread the BB Mouse and this is also how I usually apply my BB Cream, but Skin79 also sells a "Soft Chiffon Sponge Puff" especially for the Chiffon BB Mouse.I really love the idea of a BB Mouse. It is a bit hard to dose the mouse that comes out of the can, maybe that is something that needs a bit practice. The mouse feels amazingly soft and is easy to apply on my hand. The shade looks a bit yellowish and quite light at first.

But here come all the "buts"
- Applying and blending in just a swatch on the hand is fairly easy, doing the same on the whole face is more difficult. I have the feeling that the mouse is easy to apply, but as soon as it sits on your face for just a few seconds it seems to get a bit sticky and is harder to blend in. Therefore you need to be really fast when applying it, because the longer it takes you, the more difficult it seems to get.
- The color looks fine at first, but this is one of the BB Creams that change color after a while and becomes darker, a bit orange shaded. So while it seems lighter than my skin color at first, it gets darker after a while. If I have not applied the BB Cream on my face evenly I do not notice it at once, but only when the color starts to change after a while.
- The Skin79 Chiffon BB Mousse feels quite sticky on my face. I dislike stickiness in facial products so so much! It gets better after a while and I guess this is also why you are supposed to wait 5 minutes before you can apply powder. It's less sticky and by then the color starts to change so you see where you need to correct it, but I feel like it is making my super fast BB cream application in the morning way more complicated than it should be.
- It cakes easily, even when you wait 5 minutes before applying powder or do not use any powder at all. If you have perfect skin this might not be a big problem, but especially in the creases around my nose and wherever I have dry patches from healing spots it looks quite bad after a while. Waiting before using powder a while instead of applying it immediately indeed makes the mouse cake less though
- The oil control is really poor. I have extreme oily skin. All Bb Creams I have tried have difficulties dealing with this problem, but Skin79 are usually the worse with almost zero oil control at all. The Chiffon BB Cream Mouse is no exceptation.
- The coverage is below average. Just like with all Skin79 BB Creams I have tried so far. If you are a fan of Skin79 BB Creams you might still like this. For me I have the feeling I get a shiny finish, a slightly more even skin tone, but the coverage vs. texture ratio just doesn't feel right. I like light coverage BB Creams because I usually hardly feel them on my face. But I do feel and see the Skin79 Chiffon BB Mouse on my face, because the color changes, it looks blotchy, cakes and my skin looks greasy.
I did take before & after photos with this BB Mousse but on the phtos I could really absolutely not tell any difference. I wasn't even sure where on my cameras the photos without the BB Mouse ended and the ones with its tarted, so I am not posting them, as they all look ridiculously embarrassing. You do see a difference in real, but coverage-wise it really isn't by much.
I really wanted to like this product! Really! I have even read good reviews of it, but I guess these must be the same people who like Skin79 BB Creams in general. I really do not. I still love the idea of a Mouse BB cream and if other brands come out with this type of BB creams I will give them a try, but the Skin79 one does not work well for me.