Review: Selsun Blue Anti-dandruff Shampoo

By Vivianism @vivianism

I’ve been looking for a good anti-dandruff shampoo recently as I’ve lots of dead cells on my scalp which needs to be treated before it gets worse! Hence, I readily accepted the sponsorship by Selsun Blue. Their packaging looks like a detergent which seems to be really potent. As I read the instructions, it says to remove all jewelries before use as it may damage them. Again, this double confirm the “potent” factor of the shampoo. None of the anti-dandruff shampoos I tried work, so I was skeptical but at the same time excited to find out if it works.

The shampoo dispenses out a yellow liquid which looks a little like conditioner. It was difficult to lather during the first wash but it was pretty foamy during the second wash. I have no problem with the shampoo. In fact, I enjoyed using it. Unlike other dandruff shampoo, this one doesn’t sting and neither does it leaves behind a minty feeling, but still, my scalp felt refreshed and clean from the wash.

As it leaves my hair pretty dry, I definitely have to use my conditioner thereafter. It didn’t bothers me since I use conditioner everyday. I also alternate this shampoo with a hydrating shampoo once every two days. I noticed my hair doesn’t itch as much as before and the flakes have since then reduced in size as well. I got my sis to help me check my scalp and she said the flakes weren’t as big as the past.

Selsun blue is formulated with Selenium Sulfide. It not only attacks the root source of the dandruff, but laboratory tests have also shown that Selenium Sulfide is one of the most effective ingredient to treat dandruff and control recurrence.

Overall, I am satisfied and will repurchase it.

Try it out if you are facing dandruff issue as well and let me know if it works for you!