Review // Patanjali Kesh Kanti Natural Hair Cleanser

By Anamikadbn @Anamikadbn

Here I am back again with a review of herbal shampoo from Patanjali. Few months back I reviewed Patanjali Kesh Kanti Anti-Dandruff Hair Cleanser which was quite good shampoo for me. Now a day’s Patanjali shampoo, which is known as cleanser, is very much popular for its presence of natural ingredients. If you see the ingredients list of the products, you will find that they have no silicones and other harsh chemicals. Most of the ingredients are beneficial for the hair.&https;
Claims: Kesh Kanti Shampoo is an Herbal Shampoo for Healthy and growing Hair. It treats Continuous Hair loss, Dandruff problem, itching of the scalp, Split ends, rough and dry Hair, under grown Hair length, Baldness etc.This Shampoo is the natural remedy for Hair problems. This is the best natural shampoo for the treatment of all the problems with its roots and helps to give a shiny look to the Hair. 

Ingredients: Soap nut (ritha), margosa (neem), Amla, Henna, Shikakai Indian valerian (tagar), esculent fiacurtia (bakuchi) and turmeric etc.
Experience:Packaging is similar to the previous Patanjali shampoo; only plastic bottle's color is changed. This shampoo is look like honney in color with a medium consistency. It has strong Ayurvedic smell which can be bothering for person to person. 

Before use I usually dilute the shampoo with some water. I always go for 2 washes with shampoo to make sure my scalp is clean and it takes 10 ml (approximately) of the shampoo. Firstly, I wash my hair with plan water then apply 6 ml to 7 ml shampoo and massaged all for one to two minutes, then washed my hair. I repeated the same once again with 4 ml to 3 ml shampoo. It created enough lather to clean my hair properly.

The shampoo is applied easily and gets spread to my medium length hair. It is easily rinsed away.  As an oily rooted person, I have to wash my hair every alternative day and this shampoo gives me a very clean scalp. It also works great on my dry end of hair.
Result: Just after the shampoo, it feels like that shampoo made hair dry but when the hair get semi dry or fully dry you will get your desire result. I absolutely love this result; it leaves my hair and scalp feeling really cleansed and soft. I was worried it would be drying but it's not at all. However, I think if you did have very oily hair this shampoo would be gentle enough for more frequent use. 

Pros of Patanjali Kesh Kanti Natural Hair Cleanser:

  • Cleanses scalp and hairs well
  • Produces nice lathers which remove oil and dirt from hairs efficiently
  • Gives an extra bounce in my hair
  • Contains with various natural ingredients like ritha, Amla, Henna, Shikakai turmeric etc.
  • Ingredients are allergen free
  • It was very reasonably priced 70 Rs  for 200ml 
Cons of Patanjali Kesh Kanti Natural Hair Cleanser:
  • Does not reduce hair fall
  • Don’t remove dandruff permanently 
&https;Overall, this is a good shampoo for everyday use. The Patanjali Kesh Kanti Natural Hair Cleanser lather wonderfully!  This herbal shampoo contains many natural herbs. I have almost finished this bottle and I have had no sensitivity, and my hair is moisturized, shiny and smooth. So I am definitely going to continue using this shampoo as part of my hair routine. I would definitely recommend this product if you’re looking for an inexpensive shampoo that works well for your oily scalps.

Have you tried any of the Patanjali Shampoo?  What's your favorite ?

BALM Rating : 4/5
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