Review: Missha Green Tea Powder Wash with Baking Powder

By Herugliness
Hello! ~This is a review of the Missha Green Tea Powder Wash with Baking Powder. I bought this products for two reasons: 1. Green tea is one of the few things in the world that seems to improve my skin condition, so I am crazy about face care and cleansing products with green tea. 2. After I tried out the Etude House Baking Powder BB Deep Cleansing Foam and liked it I got curious about more products with baking power. So buying a product that has both green tea and baking powder in it seemed like quite a logical thing to do.
The Missha Green Tea Powder Wash with Baking Powder is available in two different versions, one containing 25 1.5g sachets in a box, and a small version containing with only 3 1.5g sachets in a box. Since I like to try things out without purchasing huge quantity products for a high price the small version was perfect for me.

Each sachet is designed for one usage, so the small version lasts for 3 days, the big one for 24 days, only half as long if you want to use it after washing your face both in the morning and at night.You are supposed to use this product either after cleaning up your makeup or when washing your faceSince the product is a powder you have to mix it with water in your hands. On the official product pictures it looked like it would create an immense amount of foam, maybe it depends on the water : powder ratio with which you mix it up, but it didn't create much foam at all for me. But the result I got was still a nice, easy to apply kind of foam/cream

One of the things I really liked about the product was the scent, which is a faint green tea-scent, a bit like the one in things like matcha icecream! I really liked it. It was very decent, very pleasant, and did not seem artificial.Another good thing was that, even though you are supposed to use it after removing your makeup, it still has a very strong cleansing power! When I first tried it out I thought my face was makeup free, forgetting that I had put quite a lot of concealer under eyes to cover my dark circles. This particular concealer has a super-thick texture and is usually hard to remove, even with makeup remover. But the Missha Green Tea Powder Wash removed all the concealer, making the foam turn skin-colored under my eyes. The product also felt quite mild on my face, a great plus for me, as I hate aggressive products on my sensitive skin.
The only thing I do not like and what is keeping me from repurchasing the product is the price.  The small version is around $2-3, the big around $10. If I consider that even the big one only lasts me for 12 days (I like to clean my face properly both in the morning and before I go to bed at night), the price is just crazy. (・A・)