Review | Makeup Revolution Fix & Focus Brow Kit

By Adelemarie @adele_marie90

After years of being an eyebrow pencil girl, then moving onto MACs eyeshadow in Charcoal Brown I've now discovered my holy grail product. And to think I was spending £10 a time on the MAC shadow when I wish I had discovered this little baby sooner.

I'm talking about the Makeup Revolution Fix & Focus Brow Kit and for £2.50 you are definitely getting more than your moneys worth. The kit contains 3 brow powders in 3 different shades and a wax cream (which I am yet to actually use). The shade I use is Light-Medium and I tend to stick to the two shades on the left side of the kit and blend these to make my perfect shade. I find these powders blend well together and when applied gives me a natural filling of my brow instead of making them appear hideously fake, which I have most definitely experienced in the past.

What's your holy grail brow product?
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