Review: LUSH So White Bath Ballistic

By Littlebird @LittleBird_Blog
You may have seen this little fellow in my resent LUSH post (link) and I used it a few mornings ago and I thought I could do a quick review. I was on a post roll but then exams and college work got in the way :( I’ve ordered some lipsticks recently, so watch out for a review for them too ;)
First of all, this doesn’t send your bath water any fancy colours, which I actually really like from time to time, but I just REALLY like the smell of this, I love apple scented things it’s that sweet but sour smell! And this is really quite strongly scented and the whole of the upstairs of my house smelt like this, it was great :)! Also, I prefer bubble bars; I think if you’re going to have a relaxing bath, then bubbles are needed! But I purely brought this just for the apple sent. I would love it LUSH did this sent but in bubble bar form, I think they need to do more bubble bar’s, I can’t get enough of them!

As you can see, it’s just an average looking ballistic, and like a lot of LUSH products, it’s smooth and soothing on the skin.
I've just looked on the LUSH site, and realised it's been discontinued :( Oh well I will still post this, sorry guys.
There’s nothing other really to say about this other then it smells really nice, and i really enjoyed using this, im sad its gone :(
What do you prefer bath ballistic or bubble bar?