Review: Kose Infinity Pure Advance Deep Clear Mask

By Beautifulbuns

Pores are such pesky party poopers – they secrete all that icky sebum that coats our face in grease (granted, yes, we need it), and also become enlarged over time, resulting in potholes in our faces. The reason why they become so is because of the stuff that gets trapped inside – a sexy concoction of dirt, sebum, oil, dust, and you know, basically the whole family of environmental remnants.

If like me, you’re kinda lazy to go for that regular facial (but I do now!), you should do some purifying and clarifying masks / beauty regime at home. Being full of crap is only socially acceptable if it’s not literal :D

Kose Infinity Pure Advance Deep Clear Mask

I say…

Most of the masks I have at home are for whitening, moisturising or firming purposes – when I think about a clarifying mask, the first that comes to mind is Kiehl’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque – and there is a slight similarity.

  • This comes in a more user-friendly and hygienic packaging than the Kiehl’s masque – in a squeezy plastic tube with a flip-top cap so that you don’t have to struggle with screwing while having dirty fingers. Ok that came out sounding dirtier than I had intended, but you get my gist.
  • There’s a very faint fragrance to it.
  • The consistency is thick – kinda like clay/wet mud. Similar to the Kiehl’s Masque, this Kose mask initially comes out of the container a little gooey, but becomes smoother and more cream-like as you rub it around (prolly due to the heat of your skin).
  • There are little beads in the mask that do not disappear as you massage your face. I like them cos it adds an exfoliating element to your skin, vs simply slathering on the mask and leaving it to set.

There are two ways to use this:

  • For oily skin: Apply onto dry cleansed face and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Watch the time / consistency of the mask – once it gets almost-dry, rinse off with water. Note: Do not let it set for too long or become too dry, cos it’ll become a little difficult to remove.
  • For normal combi/dry skin: Apply onto damp face and let it to set for about 10 minutes. Same as above – once it becomes almost-dry, rinse off.
  • Since my skin is every oil sheikh’s dream, I apply the mask onto dry skin.
  • After rinsing off, I find that my skin’s texture is smoother.
  • Grease is not the word here – the excess oil has been removed. Yay! But obviously, this isn’t (and cannot be) a permanent effect.
  • I like that it clarifies my skin and pores by extracting all the shite inside – begone, gross stuff that have accumulated in my pores.
  • Beauty tip: Do not use this on your neck area cos it will end up drying up the skin there.

Overall, a decent multi-tasking exfoliating and clarifying mask to try – the Japanese women have really good skin, and hey, since this comes from Japan, why not? Available in XXXXXX.