Review: Hanyul Pure Artemisia Cleansing Foam

By Beautifulbuns

My brother always says that women are like crows (or magpies, or some form of a bird), drawn to shiny things. I do not deny that fact – in fact, I’m living proof that the statement is true. I like all sorts of things that are blinged up and pretty, and although I’m banned from owning one due to the hassle in doing my laundry, I would still lovingly (and somewhat creepily) caress a fully-sequinned gown in Topshop.

The same goes for beauty products – anything sparkly and in a pretty packaging will be more attractive than a plain one, which is why I almost overlooked this cleanser. If not for the fact that I’m on a Hanyul binge-buying process, I would never have given this a second look.

Hanyul Pure Artemisia Cleansing FoamHanyul Pure Artemisia Cleansing Foam – KRW18,000

Hanyul Pure Artemisia Cleansing Foam (1)

Hanyul Pure Artemisia Cleansing Foam (2)

Hanyul Pure Artemisia Cleansing Foam (3)So much foam generated from a >1cm pearl of cleanser

I say…

After finishing Belif’s The True Brightening Cleansing Foam, I opened my cupboard of goodies and zeroed in on this.

  • This is total value for money – it’s one fat-arsed tube of cleanser for just KRW18,000 (will check the weightage and get back to you guys asap!).
  • It comes in a softer-than-usual squeezy upside-down tube.
  • The cleansing foam is really creamy and feels rich.
  • Just a 1cm pearl of cleansing foam is enough for the entire face – I kid you not. The recommended usage is a 2cm pearl, but that’ll be a bit too much. Alternatively, you can use a 2cm pearl for cleansing with the Clarisonic/cleansing device.
  • The lather is rich and foamy and gives a good cleansing experience – the foam didn’t drip or run all over my face and was thick enough for a cleansing massage.
  • There are no miniscule little beads in this cleanser.
  • It also smells extremely herbal-grass-like. I have done a little research on Artemisia, and found that it’s not a specific plant. Instead, it’s a species of plants with strong aromas (so I guess this explains the scent). It’s nothing offputting, but just thought I’d give you the heads-up.
  • After cleansing, I find that my skin is well-cleansed and feels moisturised without being over-stripped. There’s no tight-taut feeling, and my skin also feels smoother.
  • So far, I haven’t noticed any increment in blackheads/whiteheads, and I’ve also not had any breakouts.

I’m really liking this cleanser so far, and I wish I’d bought another tube of it for standby. Ah well, this is another reason for me to go to Koreaaaaaa.

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