Review: Etude House Sweet Recipe Chocolate Smudge Liner #2 Milk Choco Brown

By Herugliness
Hello! ~ Just after Etude House released their beautiful Princess Etoinette Line, which I could not resist, they start into the year 2013 with another awesome line, the Sweet Recipe line. If there is one thing other than cute and elegant packing designs, then it is makeup that is designed like sweets! How could I resist? I could not! I bought a few items right when they came out and will start with a review of the Etude House Sweet Recipe Chocolate Smudge Liner in the shade #2 Milk Choco Brown. These awesome gel eyeliners are designed like chocolate pralines. Isn't it awesome? There are two shades available, #1 Dark Choco Brown and #2 Milk Choco Brown. Both are - obviously - brown eyeliners, though #1 seems almost black.

The small pots they come in are really tiny and contain 2.6g of product each. I thought that the praline top was the cap of a small pot, but actually there is a small whole on the bottom of the product which you open.  I love how it even comes in a small cupcake paper, just like real sweets. It's, of course, useless for the product itself and all you can do after opening it is throw it away, but I still like such small details a lot. It's really super-cute. The only thing I don't like is that the "praline" itself seems poorly made. You can see where the color of the "topping" is out of line or where parts of the color are even missing. They could have put a bit more effort into this.
I have never used a gel eyeliner before, but I always have great trouble creating a clear line with pencil, or even worse, liquid eyeliners. Since it always looks like such a mess with me I have grown the habit of drawing a line with a pencil eyeliner and then smudge it in with matching eyeshadow. Since the Etude House Sweet Recipe Chocolate Smudge Liner is designed for exactly this kind of look, it is perfect for me!

The eyeliner is super creamy and very strongly pigmented. It is easy to apply, even for eyeliner-handicapped people like me!  Unfortunately I cannot read and Korean and did not find any proper translation of the product description yet, but from what it looked on the product photos on Etude's hompage I thought that you were supposed to smudge the eyeliner after applying a line over your upper eyelid, similar to eyeshadow, but this doesn't work too well, because the eyeliner is, even though it seems so creamy, quite smear-proof! You can blend it it with a brown eyeshadow quite well nevertheless. Maybe that was what the photos tried to suggest, I don't know, but it has prooven to be quite an efficient method for me.
I think, of all the eyeliners I have ever tried so far this is clearly my favorite. Not only does it look super cute (What! There is a praline lying on my makeup table!), but it works perfectly well for the medthod I use for applying my eyeliner and is suitable for a natural makeup-look.
I am looking forward to trying out more products for Etude House's Sweet recipe line.

And just when I blew way too much money on this line already, I saw Skinfood's New Flora Tea line! ♥_♥  2013 really starts off with some amazingly looking new products!