Retro Vintage Sheet Score

By Leonied
I'm still slowly pottering on putting together and making more blocks for the Modern Sampler Bee Blocks from last year.  I have one more block to make before I can put them all together to make a quilt for my big pink loving girl - whoohoo!
As such I have been keeping a very keen eye out for a lovely pinkish sheet to be the backing... but no luck, no luck, no luck, until the other week...!  Two days later I on a whim popped into the local Sally store and I just about pee'd my pants when I found these!

Perfect! They're single/king single size flat sheets.  One a bit more worn than the other but overall in fantastic shape.  I am still slightly giddy that I finally not only found the type of sheets I've been looking for forever, but that it was perfect for the quilt!

There were a few other items in this haul that added to the extreme excitement of the trip but I am saving those for the next couple of weeks!
Joining in again! with marvelous Max.
L xx