
By Mwillis
I have a minor, but nevertheless satisfying, success to report. the Purple Sprouting Broccoli plant that had seemed beyond hope of survival has "come back from the dead"...

This is what it looked like a fortnight ago (3rd August) [seen through netting]:

I thought the Cabbage Root Fly had done it irreparable damage, but evidently not. I watered the poor plant very frequently and dosed it up with liquid plant food, shaded it from the strongest sunlight, and generally nursed it back to health. It is very small in comparison with its siblings, but it will probably still go on to produce a crop.

The reason for its sudden revival is probably to be seen here. Last weekend, thinking the plant to be doomed, I planted next to it one of the small seedlings from the "Emergency" sowing of PSB seeds that I made when I saw that the Cabbage Root Fly had struck. Evidently the sick patient decided that no way would it allow the young usurper to take its place!

The plant at bottom left is Landcress.

 The tiny one will probably have to come back out again now, but even so, it will have served its purpose well.