Renault Twingo 3 Interior Sketches by Designer Laurent Negroni

By Luciano

Renault Twingo 3 interiod design sketches by designer Laurent Negroni

Dear friends,
I told you I was going to publish the excellent work of Laurent Negroni Renault designer and Alpine design team member.
There are many nice sketches by Laurent, however I decided to focus on this one because it has a lot of design education key elements to think about and learn from.
The B/W ideation sketches show how a professional designer follows a design creative process and presentation discipline. These sketches are full of interesting ideas and they are also very clear. Perspective is always good, balance and line weight are good, details give credibility and are well done, the volumes sections are excellent. They talk to us about the shapes and various parts interior will be made of. These sketches are probably the most important ones they tell the whole story!
The color rendering are another example of Laurent's talent and professionalism. First element that tells us how good they are is: the cast shadows work! Yes because interior design is about filling up an empty space and it is a lot more complicated than an exterior design exercise (which is about a positive space).
The cast shadows work gives us the idea of interaction between dashboard and floor, dashboard and the steering wheel, the steering wheel and the driver seat. When you sketch an interior remember this aspect because if you do not follow this proportions rule you will make a mess.
First secret to draw a nice interior is: what relation in space between floor - seat - steering wheel - dashboard.
Enjoy and learn!
 If you need a sketching reference guide click here and check out "Car Design Sketching Tips"!