Remove Gel Polish DIY Style

By Simplebird12 @Victoria_Cheryl
DIY Style
I love having my nails done at the salon, "shellac/gel" polish is the one I get. The polish stays on for two weeks and doesn't chip. If your a regular that goes back to the salon every two weeks to get your nails done, it is fine for you to wait to get the polish removed, but for someone who just likes a treat now and then, going back to the salon can be a pain. I like to change my polish and try new colours that are on the market, so two weeks is enough for me. I researched the net to see how to remove gel polish, and I came across a six easy steps  guide on how to remove it. 
What you need

  • Tin foil
  • Cotton wool balls
  • Acetone- can get this in any pharmacy. 
  • Nail file
  • Replenishing oil- O.P.I
  1. Pour the acetone into a small dish and place five small cotton balls into the acetone to soak.
  2. Tear five thin strips of tin foil and lay them flat.
  3. Do one hand at a time, drain the cotton ball, flaten it out and hold on the nail.
  4. Take one strip of tin foil and wrap it around the nail, and seal tight. Repeat until the rest of the nails are covered. Leave on for 10 mins
  5. Remove tin foil and cotton balls, peel off the loose gel and file the nail.
  6. Once your nails have been filed, wash hands and paint nails with a Replenishing Oil. This helps to strengthen the nail as the acetone can cause weakness. Then repeat on the other hand.

Six easy steps to remove gel polish beats waiting in the salon for ages, and once everything is removed and finished off you can paint a new color on or let your nails breath for a day. Apply the replenishing oil to your nails on a daily basis, for a healthier looking nail.
It was quick and easy for me, so try it out and see if it works for you.