REMAP Institute: Easing Emotional Suffering | Training Mental Health Professionals

By Remap @REMAP

Welcome to the REMAP Institute.  This is a training institute that has the following purpose and goals.

Purpose:  The central goal of the REMAP Institute is to contribute to the easing of needless emotional suffering in the world.

The REMAP Institute seeks to facilitate easing emotional suffering primarily through:

  • Providing training to a growing number of mental health professionals who will then be able to reach those who are in need of emotional relief
  • Providing a certification program that will encourage a sufficient level of training so that the practitioner is able to integrate and utilize the REMAP treatment tools
  • To provide a central listing of certified practitioners and candidates for certification
  • Develop a group of approved trainers around the world who are actively engaged in training new REMAP practitioners
  • Raising awareness of how the REMAP treatment tools (Quick REMAP, the full REMAP process and the REMAP Visual Field Treatment) can help ease emotional suffering through encouraging research, case studies, articles, videos, and professional presentations and
  • Offering professional training in complimentary tools that will help the REMAP practitioner be more effective

Secondarily, the REMAP Institute may also seek to ease emotional suffering by:

  • Offering occasional self-help workshops to the public
  • Encouraging humanitarian outreach
  • Providing support and encouragement for REMAP trainers and practitioners to offer self-help workshops and by
  • Developing online resources and distance learning packages that can reach those who do not have access to workshops and trained practitioners