Relationships and Screw Ups

Posted on the 08 December 2012 by Medicalminds @Sarina_Med

I have been unfair to the people who  have actually enjoyed reading my blog posts over the years. I have this great equilibrium between the amount of extra reading that I do (non-medical) and the amount of blog posts that I write. This blog post comes after I finished reading a book by Erich Segal entitled “Doctors “.
“Doctors are wounded healers” says the book. The story is gripping and you can identify to the characters of the book. I particularly noticed that the book projects doctors to eventually have a screwed love life or a broken family relationship. Maybe the writer could not have started the book if he had only projected about the normal life. But then again, makes me ponder, are we normal?
What makes a successful doctor? Is it the lady behind the man or was it the damn fortune that he was destined to have? What about Female doctors, who should be held for their success? The man behind her (I meant husband or boyfriend) or the fact that she is cold blooded or there is no success for female doctors at all?
Look at the proportions of hypes that men get all the time. Even today, men are considered far better than women for doctors! Why is that? Is it because the female race has to subsequently bow down to the realities to life, like having baby, taking the home responsibilities and well, what not that comes with commitment.
It’s difficult, to actually see this happen. I disagree to bow down to subtle realities as far as I can. I mean, it almost took me ages to finish a degree, will take another decade to be well know (if people find me equivalent to the male counter parts) but I will never settle for comments like please avoid a duty because you are a female.
It’s not only a crime to be ambitious; it also makes you an outcast in this field. And deciding to settle for the least of it is the toughest thing that one has to do. Each and every character of Erich Segal’s book reminds you of the fact that life is going to be bumpy either ways, so get prepared for both and move on with your life and keep reminding yourselves that life is never going to be normal for us!