Relationship Tip: Summertime is for Loving

By Barbarajpeters @CouplesAuthor

Now that most schools are out the children will need a new schedule. Most of the running around to after-school activities is up, and if you are lucky enough, the relationship tip for making it workkids will be in camp.  With a feeling of “relief” where does that leave you? Isn’t it time to look at your relationship and get some of that summer loving?  Remember the song from Grease written by Warren Casey and  Jim Jacobs

“Summer loving had me a blast ohh yeah

Summer loving happened so fast

I met a girl crazy for me

Met a boy cute as can be

Summer days drifting away

To, uh oh, those summer nights”

Do you remember when you met your boy or girl?

Here is a list of some “cool” ideas to jar that memory and to make summer loving exciting:

  1. Cool off together at the neighborhood pool during adult swim. Some pools have evening hours, too, which can be highly romantic.
  2. Make each other an ice cream sundae to enjoy in the evening on the back porch. This is a quiz in listening to the details of what your partner wants.
  3. Head for the drive-in movies. It doesn’t matter what’s playing, because you can kiss during the slow spots.
  4. Guys, if she has long hair, offer to have her sit while you braid her hair and pin it up to keep her cooler.
  5. On a hot afternoon while sitting on the back porch in your bathing suits, write your initials on each other’s backs with an ice cube. Blow on the initials to evaporate them more quickly.
  6. Devise a special mix of sexy evening music from the King of Cool and the Queen of Cool. It doesn’t matter which recording artists you choose, just as long as the music puts you and your sweetie in a seductive mood in front of a reliable fan.
  7. Ladies, while at the beach with your man during the day, it is perfectly acceptable to remind him how handy you are at applying sunscreen to the male physique.
  8. At sunset at the state fair, be thrilled at a breeze at the top of the Ferris wheel.
  9. Go camping at a campground away from city lights, so you can lie side by side on a blanket under the stars at night, holding hands, and look for flashing meteors. Some of the best evenings to watch for falling stars may be announced by your local news station. August is famous for its Perseid meteor showers.

Remember, when the kids go to camp, parents can get as imaginative as they want. Summer is the time for loving, wearing less to bed, and role-playing pirates looking for treasure. I’m certain you’ll find some.