Relationship Tip: Goals: Do You Have Them for 2014?

By Barbarajpeters @CouplesAuthor

Setting goals is a task we do on a daily basis, especially if we are employed. On a personal level, we also plan aims for ourselves, such as becoming more fit, getting a promotion, winning the tennis match, finding the love of our life, and more. The list of ambitions is endless. But do we set goals for our relationship to flourish?

As the New Year approaches, we find ourselves looking back to see what kind of a year it was for us. Did we have a great year, with lots of positive memories? Or do we hope next year will be better? One thing is for certain:
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”

Think a bit about how your relationship moved along during 2013. What do you want to be different about it in 2014? Let’s set some relationship goals and prepare to put them in action.

Why should we bother? Because goals motivate us to get better. Objectives keep us on our toes so that complacency can’t set in. Ambitions help us to move along in our journey. Fresh aims bring new adventures into our lives. Plans provide a feeling of being organized and secure. We can move ahead, knowing that we are looking out for our best interests and taking advantage of new ideas.

Let’s not just talk about goals. Let’s make them happen and see a change.

Six Steps to Making a Relationship Goal

1. I would suggest that our goal be:

And I feel this way because:

You can make many small goals, so that each will be attainable. Make the goals match your values, strengths, and purpose. Write each goal down and share it with your partner. Together, discuss the goals. Be comfortable with the end result of your goals. Do you both agree on each goal? If so, move to Step 2.

2. Here are the tasks that will get us to that goal:






3. We can measure our goal by:



Set parameters that will tell you if your work toward meeting the plan was efficient.

4. The time frame for the goal to be met is:

Do not leave the time frame open ended. At the end of the allotted time, evaluate the progress here:

5. Some obstacles that could come up are:




6. Ways to overcome these obstacles are:

Take daily action to turn your goals into a reality. Use a support network of people you can count on for accountability and encouragement.

And finally, celebrate your accomplishment. Reward yourself and give yourselves the “relationship” of the 2014. Celebrate your job well done. Your reward could be the gift of a lifetime marriage.