Relationship Thought: What Does Your Love Look Like?

By Barbarajpeters @CouplesAuthor

Have you taken the time to think about how your love for your spouse or significant other looks?
This picture encouraged me to think about it.

I see the following:
1.comfort dog luv Relationship thought: What does your love look like?dog luv   replaces image file name (without extension)

Try to make your own list, and see how close you come. Pets have much to teach us about the “love” they have for us. For one thing, they don’t doubt us. They accept us all the time, even if we have had a rough day. They are dependable, loyal, and giving of affection. Perhaps you have had to leave your pet for a little while, to go to work. Your arrival home is greeted with enthusiasm, not reproaches.

They ask for little in return and forgive quickly. But certainly having a pet is a responsibility. Pets can’t be ignored. To maintain a pet, there is routine medical care, large bags to lug home of kitty litter or kibble, and lots of walks. Did I mention that sometimes a television remote, driving glove, or dancing shoe gets chewed up? It would be something certain to have the scent of you. You must also be resolved to forgive quickly.

But rest assured, they don’t bring up the past, and they don’t bring up previous relationships to cloud the present. They don’t remind you of the previous pet that they replaced. They accept you for who you are and protect you. You can tell them anything. In return, you take care of them.

Try this month to see how your relationship stacks up to some of these qualities. Simple as it sounds it may prove to be an enlightening experience.